Tím objektem byla dvacetipětiletá dívka Andrea Absolonová. Vše začalo otázkou mířenou na její tělo a to, že vypadá jako nějaká skokanka do vody. Odpověď byla více než vystihující. Andrea Absolonová je několikanásobná mistryně České republiky a držitelka bronzové medaile z mistrovství Evropy. Následovala druhá otázka, proč musí takovýto sportovec fotit namísto tréninku. Odpověď byla neméně výstižná, Andrea si tak vydělává na pronájem bazénu. Její situace není totiž růžová, poté, co ji cestováníchtiví funkcionáři upřeli naprosto jasnou nominaci pro Olympijské hry v Atlantě, je jejím hlavním cílem Sydney 2000.
The object was twentyfive years old girl Andrea Absolonova. Everything started with question about her body and that she is loking like some diver.
Andrea Absolonova is multiple times diving champion of Czech Republik and holds a bronze medail from European diving championship.
Why must such champion do photo modeling instead of training? Answer was no less fitting. Andrea is earning money for swimming pool rental.
Her situation is not rosy, after travel greedy buerocrats rejected her absolutely obvious nomination for 1998 Olympic in Atlanta, her major goal is now Sydney 2000.
Where do you see a familiar feature? I guess you can say they are both pretty. But in my opinion she doesn't hold a candle to Andrea. Sorry, that is my opinion. You may compare all the women you'd like too Andrea. There was and always will be, only one.
But that's also all. Andrea's personality is shining thru. Those eyes, that smile, that star shinning
quality which works like electricity on everybody who see her. I had once girlfriend who had this magic, she would just walk in restaurant fool of people and suddenly and instantly everybody felt that impact of her presence despite never even seen her enter...
Debra, in comparison, seem to by rather deficient in that star shinning quality.