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Post Info TOPIC: Lea De Mae - her tragic illness

Lea De Mae - her tragic illness

Ever since we've wrote about Lea's illness on our website, many worried fans and friends have sent us eMails to express their feelings and their willingness to help.

As we believe that there might be a need for having a place where we all - her friends and fans - can come together and share our current thoughts and feelings with others, we have created this little forum.

Please feel free to use it and thus increasing our hope and our confidence and the power of Lea De Mae to withstand her tragic illness.




Hello there,

I saw your call for help for Lea De Mae. I may have some hope, and help, for her.

Ill get right to the point: There is an experimental drug called artemisinin. It is quite powerful against aggressive cancers, and is able to get beyond the blood/brain barrier to attack brain cancers and tumors.

The drug uses the iron inside a cell. When artemisinin finds iron, it releases free-radicals in the cell. Healthy cells dont have much iron in them, but cancer cells have *hundreds* of times more iron than healthy cells. This allows this drug to specifically target cancer cells for destruction, while leaving healthy cells mostly unharmed.

I created a website to explain artemisinin and how it works inside the body. Please look it over. Its ready to print out and hand to her doctor, and has many links for Lea De Mae, her family, and her doctor to read and gain more information. Also, there is a 3D animation to show her how the drug works (even though its not finished no sound):

The drug was discovered by Dr. Narendra Singh from the University of Washington here in Seattle, Washington. Here is Dr. Singhs website with contact information, including phone number and email:

On a personal note, someone who was very close to me was diagnosed with leukemia. She took three rounds of artemisinin, along with her existing chemotherapy. It worked. She is now cured of leukemia, and has moved on with her life, even being allowed by the courts to adopt a baby boy and fulfill her dream of being a mommy.

I do wish Lea De Mae the very, very best. There is much hope for her, and a future just waiting for her to embrace. If Lea De Mae wants to talk to me about this drug, or wants to be in contact with my friend who was treated with this drug, please give her my email address [].


-- Roy Harper []



A couple of minutes ago, Lea De Mae's sister just dropped me a line. She writes:

Dear Chris,

I am starting to be confused, I am reading every day on the Internet about some treatmens and I don't know witch one is the best for Andrea. I am scared that will pick the wrong one!

She is being home now for a weekend. We went to the bank today with Olda to start a new accont for Andrea. I am very surprised how many people care about her and want to send her money for the treatmens.I don't even know how to thanks them. when I told that to Andrea today she was crying.




A Message to Lucie (Lea's sister)

To, Lucie (Lea De Mae's sister),

Dear Lucie,

I only heard about Lea's illness 2 days ago and ever since I have been on the computer almost round the clock and also into the west end of London to try to get support for this battle to regain Lea's health. I call your dear sister Andrea, "Lea" of course because that is how she is known to us movie fans all around the world.

Today, I got a card for Lea with these words (by Anna Marie Edwards) and inside that card is a donation of US $1,000 towards the Lea De Mae medical fund from a few well-wishers in London I spoke to last night. I am just waiting to hear from Mr Widman the best address to post it to where someone can sign for it as a registered letter packet, then I can post it by airmail in the morning.

"Feel better and know that I'm Thinking of You.

Life isn't always easy, and no one knows that better than you. You have been given a difficult situation, but I know you'll make it through this with the same grace and dignity that I have come to know and admire about you...

It's not always possible to understand why life works the way it does, but I know that you've never been one to sit back and let the world pass you by. You are an inspiration to so many; perhaps you have been given this challenge so that others may learn from your example.

I hope there are bright days ahead for you and that you will make it through this time with strength and with awareness of the special place you hold in the hearts of all those whose lives you have touched.

Take care and Know That You Are in My Thoughts." 

NB. If you see this message and if you and Lea live at the same family address then I can send it there. Mr Widman gave me that address but I wasn't sure if you live there too with Lea. May I send my envelope to that address in Okrajova please?  If so, I can send it in the morning by airmail. It's all ready to go and it should arrive by airmail insured in then Czech Republic by Wednesday perhaps. As I say, I can post it off in the morning (Saturday).

You will see all some of my letters and postings about Lea on Silvia Saint's Forum  - this is at:   Earlier in the year (when I had no idea that Lea was unwell), I made a little tribute to your sister, which you can see nearby in the Forum. All the postings are viewable without charge or registration. In order to register, this is fairly simple and I think it only takes a short time.  The Site co-owner (with Silvia) is Martin Bucek from Slovakia (home) but he now lives in Prague. Martin's office e-mail address is:- if there is any problem with Silvia's Forum access. You will notice your sister's name appearing in several places and she is much beloved to us all here in London, likewise Silvia Saint. I myself had the honour of meeting Silvia in July in London at Heathrow London Airport (please see the topic "Silvia is in London!", which Lea if she feels up to it might like to peruse) and of course that was before we knew anything about Lea's illness.

I cannot tell you how upset I have been since I first heard about this just two days ago and I am here to help in any way possible. We must galvanise the whole movie world to join in this battle for good health again. I have been writing to many fans, movie people and I only had a little information to go on at first until I read this Web Site by Chris Danneffel, which I believe is in Germany? 

The beautiful and lovingly-created photos by Chris Danneffel say it all  - how we do all care about Lea and really all this because of her elegant, graceful, lovely and radiant appearances in "Private" movies and the like in recent years. My own favourite photo by Chris is this beautiful one below. It is said that "the eyes are the light of the soul" and Lea has a rare inner beauty that she has kindly shared with and which has delighted the world.

 What a lovely photo!

When I wrote to fans and Studios asking them to help Lea (before I knew of Mr Widman's great efforts), I asked them to do a good thing for Lea and I quoted an adaption of an old saying,...

"Expect to pass through this world but once; any good thing therefore that you can do, or any kindness that you can show to any fellow creature, do it now; do not defer or neglect it, for you shall not pass this way again."

am sure that everyone one who knows Lea or knows of her (like us in London) because of her delightful movies and magazine appearances plus all her film colleagues and the famous studios in the USA and Spain, France, etc. will all pull together to do good things for Lea.

Indeed, it's now our turn to give back something to this lovely young lady, who lit up our screens and  so gracefully captured our hearts !

Expert Medical Matters:  Here I am afraid, I know little. The team in Prague  -  have they been contacting other leading hospitals and specialists? In the UK, I believe that the leading cancer hospital is the Royal Marsden. The Prague doctors should know who to turn to. You cannot be expected to know about such matters.  The USA is always considered to be very advanced and we often read about things to "turn cancer off" in mice, etc but sometimes this is all a promise for future medical science. The original posting on Silvia's Forum I saw was by Canadian Juhani and he mentioned Germany and Sweden as possibly having new treatments, etc.

[I remember many years ago a friend of mine from Yugoslavia told me that the Yugoslav Airline Company was flying in some medical notes about a little boy with cancer of the blood (leukemia) and seeking help from British doctors as they did not know how to continue treatment. I and my friend went to the Airport to collect the notes (as my friend knew the plane Captain's family concerned). We took the test results of blood cells, etc to the Royal Marsden and they kindly assisted the Yugoslav doctors directly from London (before the days of the Internet) enabling them to cure the little boy, so I hope that the Prague doctors are similarly seeking help worldwide.]

Lucie, our thoughts are with you and all your family and your dear sister.

Please keep in touch with us all if you can on here at when possible or via Chris. Maybe, you would view Silvia's Site too now and again at  I have repeated the addresses for the benefit of viewers.

With love and good wishes from London.

May God bless Lea and keep her safe.

Victor, London UK 
(from Silvia's Forum) 15th October, 2004.

juhani lukas

RE: Lea De Mae - her tragic illness

    To Dearest Andrea ,
    We don't know what our futures hold,
    But we shall surely see,
   As our lives slowly unfold, we are here
   if you feel the need,
   Through the good, through the bad,
   our biggest wish is to give you love and hope,
   Andrea, a special day will come soon enough,
   when will see your lovely smile again,
   The most precious gift you can ever give us, 
   is to see you happy and smiling again .
    @}----->----------                                    Juhani .-
    We are all here for you always and forever Andrea .



 Hi Victor,

 I just want to thank you, bacause you really try to help my friend Lea De
 I was visit her yesterday ........she say hello to you and thanks for
 everything what are you doing.
 It was for me happy moment see her, talk to her and hold her.I belive that
 she recovert health.
 ........this is also my big wish to her.
 Take care



Dear Chris, Roy, Juhani, Silvia and all visiting this Site,

Thank you very much Chris for helping Lea De Mae by your support on your Web Site  and also for creating this new special Forum.

As I have written on several Sites, I  think your informal photos of Lea looking so natural are very nice indeed. Your photo where Lea is looking slightly away (as displayed in my first post) is lovely and Lea's face and pretty blue eyes are radiant. I hear that Lea also likes that shot you took in Prague last year and rightly too!

I wish you a safe journey today to the Czech Republic and maybe you'll even be seeing Lea at the Hospital in Prague tomorrow.

When you are in Prague, if time allows, I hope that you can also manage to meet Lea's friends and movie colleagues - the "Golden Girl" herself Silvia Saint and the elegant, popular and plucky Daniella Rush.  As we know, Daniella herself bravely endured one year's hospitalisation after her serious injuries in a car accident in summer 2002. 

I believe Daniella and Oldrich Widman visited Lea recently and Oldrich and Silvia saw Lea just the other day.

Thank you Juhani in Canada for the nice poem and kind thoughts for Lea. I remember you also wrote lovely words for Daniella in the past.

Thank you Roy for your important medical references, which I trust Lea's team of doctors will look into.

Thank you Silvia for your information and also the kind words for all Lea's well-wishers, which are much appreciated.

I hope that at tomorrow's Berlin Festival (lasting 4 days), there will be efforts to raise cash for Lea's further medical treatment by specialists in the USA or wherever Lea can be additionally helped. One importer I know in London is flying out to Berlin very soon and I telephoned him to ask him to try to make sure this matter is raised as much as possible on the Trade Only day (that's the day when "the girls" are not there - apparently, they only attend for the public days!).

I hope that my registered package from London will arrive soon in Prague with 3 cards and a donation of US Dollars $1,000 for the medical fund which was started by Oldrich Widman. I am trying to raise more cash to send from here. Several fans have also written to me wanting to make a contribution too and I have given them the required information which I set out again below at the foot of this message, so they can send their donations directly to Prague to save time.

Should you see this message Lea, please hang in there and we shall do everything we can to help support you fight back and regain your health.

From the UK, we send all our best wishes to you and yours.

Our thoughts are with Lea, Lucie and their mother each day.
May God bless Lea and keep her safe.

Goodnight from London.

Best wishes,
Victor. Wednesday 20th October 2004.  11.50pm.

These are the contact details for donations to be made to the Medical Fund for Lea.

1)  BANK TRANSFER donations to,......

BANK ACCOUNT NUMBER:    193151744/0300
IBAN :  CZ96 0300 0000 0001 9315 1744
and the name of Lea's bank in Prague is
CSOB a.s,  Moskevska 25, 101 00  Prague 10, EU - Czech Republic.
2) CASH DONATIONS by Registered/Insured letterpost can be sent to Lea's home address where she is living with her sister Lucie, when she is not at the Hospital.  Chris Danneffel indicates that at present, most of the time Lea is at the Hospital, except perhaps for the weekend.
The sisters' address is:-

Okrajova 9
198 00 PRAGUE 9
3) CASH DONATIONS by Registered/Insured letterpost from anywhere or by hand-delivery or courier (for local people in Prague perhaps, who can also pay by ordinary cheque made out to "Andrea Absolonova") to Mr Oldrich Widman at the offices of Dream Entertainment (the Management Company used by Silvia Saint in her very successful movie career years),..

c/o Dream Entertainment Inc.,
101 00  PRAGUE 10

E-mail Address:

NB.  Of course, other secure payment methods may be available in various countries.


Message from "The Philippines"

----- Original Message -----

From: jose custodio
Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2004 12:15 PM
Subject: Andrea Absolonova


I just read the news about Andrea Absolonova and I have felt saddened by it. Though I'm from the Philippines which is a world away from the Czech Republic, I'd like you to forward to her my prayers for her eventual recovery. Eventually I also plan to contribute an amount little as it may be as compared to the rest who have given. At least she will know that truly the entire world is praying and working for her recovery. 

Hoping for the best,
Jose C

Do you Yahoo!? - Register online to vote today!
Reply to Jose in The Philippines,

Dear Jose,

Thank you very much for your message and kind words above, which I have duly forwarded onto Oldrich Widman, Silvia Saint and Chris Danneffel.

It was Chris in fact who took the lovely informal photos of Lea last year in Prague   -  please see and also there is a newly created Forum for Lea on Chris's Site at

One of these good friends of Lea will no doubt show her your message in the very near future.

When I last heard from Chris, he was setting off for Prague to visit Lea and her family (please also see Juhani's latest information in the nearby posting) and also, if possible, to meet Silvia and Daniella Rush, another famous moviestar who experienced ill fortune two years ago, when she was injured in a serious car accident in the Czech Republic. Daniella has been brave, very determined and cheerful throughout and I believe she has been making gradual progress with her mobility as time goes by. With advances in medicine, hopefully Daniella will have a chance for even more improvements in the future.

I have posted your message and this reply up in the CSS Forum at and I will also place it on Chris's Site in the new Forum mentioned earlier.

Thank you again for your thoughts for Lea and thank you for kindly writing in.
Victor, London, UK
Friday 22nd October 2004. 3.38am


Appeal to Berth Milton.


From the FORUM -> Lea de Mae, a Godsend - appeal to Berth Milton

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"Private" Magazine TRIPLE X - 54 (which has 24 pages devoted to Lea de Mae) reads:

"As a brunette, a blonde, a redhead...Lea de Mae is one of our hottest babes. Her mere presence can quite ignite anyone's passion, and that's without seeing her in action, getting it on, in the flesh! 

Of Czech origin, our twenty-seven year old, blonde (her natural colour) Capricorn, is one of nature's wonders. With sensational upholstery, this exceptional female whose perfectly balanced vital statistics that are as real as life itself (no artifice here), has a look that'll just burn you up, destroying any pretence at rational thought, blasting away the cultural conventions that supposedly separate us from animals, dragging us into her territory, hypnotised and drawn in by the voluptuous contours of her body.

Those stunning breasts, the curve of her hips, the sensational legs, the lips ready and willing to eat whatever comes their way - I should add that this magnificent porn beauty also speaks five languages...... Her skin is as smooth as silk, just crying out to be stroked and fondled as brutally as any man could manage. Who wouldn't love to eat her up, she's God's gift to the male libido.

As a result of her impressive capacity for work (literally capable of giving the most professional film crew a hard-on, from the camera operator to the cutting room staff), we have now seen her in over 30 films, as well as a whole series of photo sessions: her CV is complete. From her early work such as "American Girls" and "Assault That Ass", to her most recent interpretations for Private, before the explosive "Sodomania Slop Shots" and "World Class Ass", Lea de Mae is back with us once more, delighting us with her body and her soul, as can clearly be seen in her participation in the "Matador" series.

Having her back on the team is a Godsend: just to see the self-confidence and verve with which she swings those hips before getting into a scene or posing for photos is a show in itself. She doesn't even look like a true professional because she enjoys every minute before the cameras, whether still or moving, posing or in action, so much so that those who are present, oh what lucky men, cannot believe that she is acting.
She's a powerful sex machine with incredible skills and erotic .. technique - it's no accident that she doesn't have a favourite coital position: in fact she dominates them all....Her hottest scenes are when she's working with three or four men, or even more; or playing up to the camera when her partners are one or more women, what else can I tell you? Literally... she dominates them, she's the centre of attention..her body kicks into gear and she transmits a radiation that unleashes our deepest and most basic instincts.

I remember the first time I saw her in "Matador Sex Trip" - brunette, almost unrecognisable, but as evocative as they come. Her debut in Triple X was also incredible...topping the bill with Silvia Saint, one of our most mind-blowing blondes, they shot "Dangerous Things".   An in-depth report about this shoot was printed in the magazine, accompanied by a mouth-watering selection of stills. The beach, the boat, the bikinis... The whole scene was lit up by her presence - that cute little surfer-girl look, almost virginal, in marked contrast to the wanton horniness that she displays.

Sometimes her sexual aggressiveness is concentrated in her look, sometimes in the adorable perkiness of her tits, the slit of her pussy, or her expression of defiance as she spurs on the lucky guys.. Her intense turquoise blue eyes are a real head-turner; her gaze can be withering, no doubt about it. Even women find themselves irresistibly attracted to her, everyone is keen to get it on with Lea. Take my word for it, I swear it's the truth. Selling your soul to the Devil would be a small price to pay for a night with Lea.

Dreaming of Lea is just too much, it doesn't get any better. It's as if our subconscious is aware that she's a special memory and brings her back larger than life itself. I don't think I've ever had such an intense erotic, that is, pornographic dream than the one in which Lea de Mae appeared. Many experts would say our subconscious never lies... What you see in this article, the impressive, lustful presence of Lea, could come back to haunt you when you're least expecting it, and then you can tell me whether I was right or not!

Enjoy it you simple mortals, because a woman like this only comes along, perhaps once or twice a year - with her succulent, full and well-formed lips, her impressive tits, God-given of course... Every square inch of this babe's flesh will be branded directly into your brain; her powerful thighs, capable of absorbing the assault of one or more studs, regardless of their angle of approach. Just check out the evident satisfaction of her partners, fully erect from the very first take...These guys have the same dreams as everyone else, lusting after her ....calling to us like the sirens of Ulysses ...The divine thrill of her lips ... what more could a man ask for? ... the enthusiasm that makes this babe unique.
Lea de Mae, we love you!"

PRIVATE (founded by Berth Milton in Sweden nearly 40 years ago) along with Larry Flynt's "Hustler" is one of the two largest adult entertainment publishing organisations in the world.

PRIVATE alone sells some 70,000 Dvds, videos and magazines weekly - carrying out their lucrative business in over 35 countries. I myself have supported them for over 35 years. After an absence, the founder of this prestigious company, now based in Barcelona, Spain is back at the helm.

On behalf of Lea's fans in the United Kingdom (and I am sure that I speak for Lea's many fans all around the world), I appeal to Berth Milton to help save the life of the beautiful and unique Lea de Mae by contributing to the vitally necessary life-saving treatment urgently required by Lea, as doctors in her home city Prague are unable to treat her aggressive brain cancer fully and it is clear that outside advanced specialist help is required from America, Germany or Sweden.

With this illness, there must be no delay. Please help Lea de Mae fight back so that this charming and lovely young lady can regain her health and the world will be a better place for it.

The Lea de Mae medical treatment fund is being administered by Oldrich Widman (Silvia Saint's friend and former Agent in Prague) and Lucie (Lea's sister). Full details are contained in adjacent postings on this Site, also on other sites.

Mr Milton, in the name of humanity, I beseech you to do this good deed and do it quickly - while there is still time. You will have the gratitude of the world.

Thank you in anticipation.

God bless dearest Lea and keep her safe and give her the strength to come through this ordeal.

From London, UK fans of Lea de Mae, Silvia Saint,
Daniella Rush & Monica Sweetheart - all from the Czech Republic.
Wednesday 27th October, 2004.

"I expect to pass through this world but once; any good thing therefore that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any fellow-creature, let me do it now; let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again."



Appeal to "PRIVATE" - Lea De Mae - her tragic illness

Lea de Mae, a Godsend - appeal to Berth Milton

Extract from "Private" Magazine TRIPLE X - 54 (which has 24 pages devoted to Lea de Mae)

"As a brunette, a blonde, a redhead...Lea de Mae is one of our hottest babes. Her mere presence can quite ignite anyone's passion, and that's without seeing her in action, getting it on, in the flesh! 

Of Czech origin, our twenty-seven year old, blonde (her natural colour) Capricorn, is one of nature's wonders. With sensational upholstery, this exceptional female whose perfectly balanced vital statistics that are as real as life itself (no artifice here), has a look that'll just burn you up, destroying any pretence at rational thought, blasting away the cultural conventions that supposedly separate us from animals, dragging us into her territory, hypnotised and drawn in by the voluptuous contours of her body.

Those stunning breasts, the curve of her hips, the sensational legs, the lips ready and willing to eat whatever comes their way - I should add that this magnificent porn beauty also speaks five languages...... Her skin is as smooth as silk, just crying out to be stroked and fondled as brutally as any man could manage. Who wouldn't love to eat her up, she's God's gift to the male libido.

As a result of her impressive capacity for work (literally capable of giving the most professional film crew a hard-on, from the camera operator to the cutting room staff), we have now seen her in over 30 films, as well as a whole series of photo sessions: her CV is complete. From her early work such as "American Girls" and "Assault That Ass", to her most recent interpretations for Private, before the explosive "Sodomania Slop Shots" and "World Class Ass", Lea de Mae is back with us once more, delighting us with her body and her soul, as can clearly be seen in her participation in the "Matador" series.

Having her back on the team is a Godsend: just to see the self-confidence and verve with which she swings those hips before getting into a scene or posing for photos is a show in itself. She doesn't even look like a true professional because she enjoys every minute before the cameras, whether still or moving, posing or in action, so much so that those who are present, oh what lucky men, cannot believe that she is acting.

She's a powerful sex machine with incredible skills and erotic .. technique - it's no accident that she doesn't have a favourite coital position: in fact she dominates them all....Her hottest scenes are when she's working with three or four men, or even more; or playing up to the camera when her partners are one or more women, what else can I tell you? Literally... she dominates them, she's the centre of attention..her body kicks into gear and she transmits a radiation that unleashes our deepest and most basic instincts.

I remember the first time I saw her in "Matador Sex Trip" - brunette, almost unrecognisable, but as evocative as they come. Her debut in Triple X was also incredible...topping the bill with Silvia Saint, one of our most mind-blowing blondes, they shot "Dangerous Things".   An in-depth report about this shoot was printed in the magazine, accompanied by a mouth-watering selection of stills. The beach, the boat, the bikinis... The whole scene was lit up by her presence - that cute little surfer-girl look, almost virginal, in marked contrast to the wanton horniness that she displays.

Sometimes her sexual aggressiveness is concentrated in her look, sometimes in the adorable perkiness of her tits, the slit of her pussy, or her expression of defiance as she spurs on the lucky guys.. Her intense turquoise blue eyes are a real head-turner; her gaze can be withering, no doubt about it. Even women find themselves irresistibly attracted to her, everyone is keen to get it on with Lea. Take my word for it, I swear it's the truth. Selling your soul to the Devil would be a small price to pay for a night with Lea.

Dreaming of Lea is just too much, it doesn't get any better. It's as if our subconscious is aware that she's a special memory and brings her back larger than life itself. I don't think I've ever had such an intense erotic, that is, pornographic dream than the one in which Lea de Mae appeared. Many experts would say our subconscious never lies... What you see in this article, the impressive, lustful presence of Lea, could come back to haunt you when you're least expecting it, and then you can tell me whether I was right or not!

Enjoy it you simple mortals, because a woman like this only comes along, perhaps once or twice a year - with her succulent, full and well-formed lips, her impressive tits, God-given of course... Every square inch of this babe's flesh will be branded directly into your brain; her powerful thighs, capable of absorbing the assault of one or more studs, regardless of their angle of approach. Just check out the evident satisfaction of her partners, fully erect from the very first take...These guys have the same dreams as everyone else, lusting after her ....calling to us like the sirens of Ulysses ...The divine thrill of her lips ... what more could a man ask for? ... the enthusiasm that makes this babe unique. Lea de Mae, we love you!"


PRIVATE (founded by Berth Milton in Sweden nearly 40 years ago) along with Larry Flynt's "Hustler" is one of the two largest adult entertainment publishing organisations in the world.

PRIVATE alone sells some 70,000 Dvds, videos and magazines weekly - carrying out their lucrative business in over 35 countries. I myself have supported them for over 35 years. After an absence, the founder of this prestigious company, now based in Barcelona, Spain is back at the helm.

On behalf of Lea's fans in the United Kingdom (and I am sure that I speak for Lea's many fans all around the world), I appeal to Berth Milton to help save the life of the beautiful and unique Lea de Mae by contributing to the vitally necessary life-saving treatment urgently required by Lea, as doctors in her home city Prague are unable to treat her aggressive brain cancer fully and it is clear that outside advanced specialist help is required from America, Germany or Sweden.

With this illness, there must be no delay. Please help Lea de Mae fight back so that this charming and lovely young lady can regain her health and the world will be a better place for it.

The Lea de Mae medical treatment fund is being administered by Oldrich Widman (Silvia Saint's friend and former Agent in Prague) and Lucie (Lea's sister). Full details are contained in adjacent postings on this Site, also on other sites.

Mr Milton, in the name of humanity, I beseech you to do this good deed and do it quickly - while there is still time. You will have the gratitude of the world.

Thank you in anticipation.

God bless dearest Lea and keep her safe and give her the strength to come through this ordeal.

From London, UK fans of Lea de Mae, Silvia Saint,
Daniella Rush & Monica Sweetheart - all from the Czech Republic.
Wednesday 27th October, 2004.

"I expect to pass through this world but once; any good thing therefore that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any fellow-creature, let me do it now; let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again."



RE: Lea De Mae - her tragic illness

Sorry for the triplicate postings  - technical error at my end. The third posting (the most recent) is the correct version and I have asked Chris to delete the other two when he can, as I expect he is still travelling and away from Germany. Regards, Victor. 27/10/04

PS. There is a little more to view on the CSS Forum (a message I got from Belgium) and my request for information re. American movie studios, should you wish to peruse this at:-

In thoughts of Lea de Mae.

John Pype


I was so sorry to hear of Lea's illness. She is so gorgeous that it is almost impossible to believe that such a thing should happen to her. I hope and pray that she can recover from this. I plead with her family and with her not to use unproven treatments.

Re. Treatment. I would have thought that as an EU citizen, Lea was entitled to receive free 'life saving' treatment in another EU state if this treatment is not available in her home state i.e. Czech Republic. Victor is correct - one of the best places for cancer in the world is the Royal Marsden in London. I don't know if they have special expertise in brain tumours but a phone call doesn't cost much.

I hope her doctors in Prague are talking to the docs in London. In UK it is usual for treatment to be given first, the question of payment comes later. Unlike the U.S.



Thank you for everything John (including your kind donation to Lea's medical fund, which I expect is on its way to Prague via Lance's good offices).

The day started off very sad for us having seen Chris Danneffel's latest news (please see on the CSS Forum) but ended up with the exciting news that Larry Flynt had come to the resuce! I had been writing to Mark Hamilton, the Vice-President for several days sending letters and information over to the USA,  - with special thanks to Rita Faltoyano's & Katsumi's famous Producer in Belgium "Dennis Black Magic" for the introduction.

Below is the relevant topic with my thanks to Larry Flynt. You are welcome to  use any of this on the ADT Site where I am sure everyone will be delighted to hear this news. As yet, I have heard nothing from Lea's main studio "Private" which I find disturbing. For the moment, at last there is some good news in the struggle against an unmerciful illness,....

----- Original Message -----
From: varme3
To: Dennis Black Magic ; DREAM ENTERTAINMENT INC ; Chris Danneffel ; ; 'Silvie'
Cc: Roman Sluka ; Magyar Dávid ; Volny ; ; Enfant (yandex) ; juhani lukas ; The Colonel ; Bivisz ; ssaint ; ziniaraya ; ; marti ferrer montal ; correo dos ; Carlos Manchola ; Rochelle Kennedy ; Steve Holmes ; ; ; Jose Luis Gutierrez ; jose custodio ; ; ; John O'Brien Sent: Monday, November 01, 2004 9:31 PM
Subject: Thank God for Larry Flynt & "HUSTLER"!

On behalf of all Silvia Saint's Fans and Forum members,
and all well-wishers and supporters to Lea De Mae. 
1st November 2004  - a day to remember!

Thank God for Larry Flynt & "HUSTLER"! 

This act of kindness will never be forgotten and will be recorded in the history books of this industry. I call upon the entire adult movie world to thank Larry Flynt for his compassionate act.

Thank you a million, Larry Flynt and thank you Mark Hamilton, Vice-President of Hustler" for this good deed and also thanks to Dennis (Black Magic Media) in Belgium for the kind introduction to Mark at "Hustler", USA.  Larry - you have answered our prayers for Lea - here on Earth in these efforts to help Lea to regain her health. You have our eternal gratitude.

Dear Lea, remember we are thinking of you always, every day, every moment. All around the world, we are willing you on. We know you will be brave and that you are surrounded by loved ones and true friends.

Tonight, sleep peacefully dear Lea and have renewed hope for the future and our love and thoughts will make you stronger still.

Sweet and lovely Lea, may God bless you and keep you safe.





Hi Lea, Lucie and all the other well wishers on this topic

I was saddened to hear about the illness that has befallen Lea.  It is very upsetting and a shame that someone as beautiful and kind as Lea has suffered this illness.

We have contacted many sites and have stories running on sites all over the world through our contacts to highlight the plight of Lea and to hope that we can help to raise the needed money to ensure that Lea gets the medical attention she requires.

Best wishes and we are all thinking of you.

from,Steve (webdesigner), Victoria Swinger and all our friends at Victoria Models and Lux Video.



If Hustler / Private have sold so much DVD with 'her', they might make some donations, or - best wishes



the owner of the internet domain "" has kindly donated the use of the domain for fundraising purposes. i think this would be a good 'home base' for the cause. i can create email addresses for anyone who needs one ( ) and we can put a message board up, and get organized.

i want to do a big fundraising push as soon as i get the site ready - i just need current info, from those who are seeing andrea on a daily basis, also i want to make a page for those who do not mind being acknowledged for their support (therefore, i will need to know who has contributed, and what, and how they would like to be acknowledged).

it would be helpful for me to have scans of the medical reports, if anyone can provide me with this.

Do not be afraid Andrea, we will get you the medical attention you need.


Dennis Black Magic


Dear Victor, Oldrich, Silvia and other friends here on this topic,

I finaly find my way to this very nice and respectfull forum ( and afcourse this impotent topic ).

I am very happy that I give the contact from Mark H. from Hustler to Victor, who worked ( and still is ) day and night to help Lea.

I am just 2 weeks in Prague now, and at the end of this week I am totaly on-line ( with my website and mail-adress ).

From that moment I will try to everything do help Lea.

If somybody have any questions, idea's how we can help Lea, or you need an contact in the Adult World ( like : stars, producers, company's ) just let me know, I"ll be there for Lea and everybody who want's to help her!

With all respect,

Dennis, Prague : 23/11/2004



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